Saturday, June 23, 2012

Vermont Bun Baker, revisited

You might remember the corner in the front room

and you might remember my drawing

and you might remember all my talk about it.

Well here it is now

Turned out very close to my vision and we're very happy with it. While we were there the temps dropped to the 40's and we fired'er up. Warmed up the house to a toasty 80F. Roger put in some wood before we went to bed and it was still warm in the morning and there were enough embers to get another log going in the morning.

Notice the blue, vintage coffee pot on top of the bun baker. Another antiquing find. We just used it to add a bit of moisture to the air, but we do have the insides so if we ever wanted to make coffee in it we could.
I love the smell of the wood and am really looking forward to enjoying baking in it....bread...maybe a flamkuchen!

aloha a Hui Hou!

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